Second “Fire Sprinkler Americas” a Success

fire sprinkler americas, conference attendees - February 25th, 2016

fire sprinkler americas, conference attendees - February 25th, 2016

IFSA’s 2nd “Fire Sprinkler Americas” conference, held 24-25 February 2016 in Medellin, Colombia, was a successful follow-up to the initial 2014 event in Panama. As in Panama, more than 200 individuals from throughout North and South America gathered to focus on the need for competently designed, installed and maintained fire sprinkler systems in Latin America.

The conference consisted of two days of informative presentations, preceded by three afternoon seminars on the topics of Special Design Issues, FM Standards, and CPVC Piping.  World-renowned experts in the field of automatic fire sprinklers were on hand to discuss subjects as diverse as computer modeling, oxygen reduction systems,  and foam systems. Representatives of AMRACI from Mexico, ABSpk from Brazil, NFSA from the United States, and the newly formed ANRACI in Colombia were able to share their accomplishments, concerns, and plans for the future. Exhibitors from around the world were present to display the latest in fire sprinkler technology.

Medellin lived up to its reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in Latin America, and the conference participants were uniformly lavish in their praise of the conference venue.  Plans will soon be under way for the 2018 “Fire Sprinkler Americas.” Stay tuned.